The Short Answer
Explore Gallup's research.

Ninety percent of Americans in December 2024 report celebrating Christmas, with 58% saying it's a strongly or somewhat religious holiday for them.

Forty-three percent of Americans report being worried "a great deal" about global warming, according to combined 2023 and 2024 data.

Nine percent of U.S. workers belong to a labor union, according to aggregated data from Gallup's 2023-2024 Work and Education surveys.

Fifteen percent of Americans say they smoke marijuana, according to combined 2023 and 2024 data.

Most Americans have a religious preference -- predominantly a Christian one -- but less than half say religion is "very important" to them.

Most Americans favor abortion being legal to some degree, and a majority self-identify as "pro-choice."

Gallup's latest estimate finds 61% of U.S. adults own stock, the highest it has been since 2008.

Drinking alcohol is common in U.S. society, although far from universal.

E-cigarettes are an increasingly popular alternative to tobacco products, especially among young adults -- but how many Americans vape regularly?

Whether Americans like big business or not depends on the question. More express at least some confidence in big business than say they have a positive view of it.

Gauging Americans' belief in God depends on the threshold for "belief."

优蜜传媒estimates that 7.6% of the U.S. adult population is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than straight or heterosexual.

What percentage of Americans say they are overweight?

UFOs could be anything from figments of the imagination to cases of mistaken identity to alien spacecraft. Learn what Americans think on the issue.

Wills describe how an individual's money and estate are handled after their death. What percentage of Americans have one of these basic elements of financial planning?

Read Gallup's short answer to this common question about gun ownership, including what percentages of major demographic subgroups own guns.

Learn what percentage of Americans have been victimized by any of seven types of conventional crime in the past year, and what the rate is for violent crime.

A slow economy, unpopular military engagement, labor strife and a corruption scandal combined to give this president the all-time lowest job approval rating.

George W. Bush registered the highest presidential job approval rating in any 优蜜传媒poll.

Many Americans may enjoy the vegetarian options now available in restaurants, grocery stores and on airplanes. But how many true vegetarians are there?