Southeast Asia
Explore Gallup's research.

A median of 43% of adults in Asia approved of Germany's leadership in 2021, closely followed by 41% who approved of U.S. leadership.

Satisfaction with education fell sharply in Southeast Asia, from 85% in 2019 to 63% in 2020. The biggest drops were in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Before the military coup this week in Myanmar, 89% of residents in 2019 were satisfied with their personal freedom, and 51% reported they had internet access.

Adults in most Southeast Asian countries have high levels of trust in institutions key to combating COVID-19. However, potential vulnerabilities exist.
As the highly successful city-state reaches the half-century mark, it faces intense competition with regional megacities for talent.
Businesses must address this leadership shortage if they're going to capitalize on the region's projected rapid growth.