Middle East
Explore Gallup's research.

Protestants and highly religious Americans, traditionally Israel's most sympathetic supporters, are shrinking in size.

Americans' opinions of both Israel and the Palestinian Authority have declined in the past year, but they still view Israel much more positively.

Equal percentages of Americans -- roughly four in 10 -- say the U.S. is doing "about the right amount" or "not enough" to end the Israel-Hamas conflict.

More than a month into the Israel-Hamas war, 50% of Americans approve of the military action Israel has taken in Gaza, while 45% disapprove.

A majority of U.S. adults, as well as most Republicans, still sympathize more with the Israelis than the Palestinians. But for the first time, Democrats lean in the other direction.

Americans continue to express greater sympathy for the Israelis than the Palestinians in the Middle East conflict, but pro-Palestinian sentiment continues to inch upward.

Read Gallup's summary of Americans' views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 10 graphs highlighting key trends since 2001, including a notable shift in views among Democrats.

As Israel and Egypt were negotiating the final terms of a historic peace treaty that they would sign on March 26, 1979, only 28% of Americans familiar with the treaty predicted it would lead to lasting peace.