Explore Gallup's research.

A majority of Americans believe God played at least some role in humans' origin, but a majority also believe humans evolved from less advanced forms of life.

Slightly less than half of U.S. adults describe themselves as religious, while 33% say they are spiritual but not religious and 18% are neither.

Americans' belief in five religious entities -- God, angels, heaven, hell and the devil -- have all edged down since 2016, continuing a longer-term trend.

Gauging Americans' belief in God depends on the threshold for "belief."

Learn from a dedicated school leader with 35 years in education how his faith-based school has worked to integrate CliftonStrengths into the school's curriculum.

Four in 10 Americans have a creationist view of human origins, while 33% believe humans evolved with God's guidance and 22% without it.

Billions worldwide are helping others.

Discover how using your strengths in a well-rounded team can enhance your spiritual fruitfulness and foster greater engagement in your congregation.

Learn about the Cascade strengths report and the Strengths Twins initiative, CliftonStrengths tools created by a strengths coach who uses them in his church.

Learn how a nonprofit, faith-based organization, Compassion International, uses employee strengths to further its mission of releasing children from poverty.