Element 8 Mission or Purpose
Explore Gallup's research.

Your organization's purpose and core competencies can help clarify priorities to keep employees hitting goals and avoiding burnout.

Lean into the critical aspects of employee engagement to help leaders communicate and establish stability more effectively.

Learn how to connect your organization's purpose to your employees' response to this question: "Why do you do what you do?"

Learn why organizations must first meet employees' basic needs before they can embrace a unifying mission as part of their corporate culture.

Your employees may not know why your company exists. This is costing your business in measurable outcomes on safety, retention and profitability.

A significant part of any company's identity is its culture, which has five significant drivers.

There's a gap between stated company cultures that leaders envision and the culture employees experience.

Leaders know that a company mission is important. But less than half of workers feel strongly connected to their company's purpose.
35% of U.S. Managers Are Engaged in Their Jobs
Company-wide mission statements often don't resonate in manufacturing plants. But a local mission does.
Viewing CVS' decision to discontinue selling tobacco products in purely dollar terms misses the bigger picture. The company just made a fascinating strategic play in organizational identity, mission, and purpose.
A clear mission inspires employee engagement, fosters customer engagement, and helps boost company performance. But for many executives, it remains an underused asset.
How does employee engagement move through an organization? Does it begin in the executive suite and move down through managers to frontline workers? Or does it come from all different directions? 优蜜传媒researchers set out to tackle these essential leadership questions.
Employees' anxiety and fears of layoffs have been aggravated by the stormy economic climate of the past two and a half years. Those fears can be worsened in work environments where low trust, poor communication, or unclear expectations prevail.
Companies can reduce costly churn if managers know what to look for. But they usually don't -- and that's because too many managers think money is at the root of the turnover issue. This article uncovers the real sources of the problem and reveals the reasons most people quit. Find out how to keep good employees from walking out the door.
Gathering employee feedback is essential for any organization, but what matters most is that executives take action on that feedback. If you handle that follow-up right, your employees will be far more productive -- and your business much more profitable. Here's how to manage those critical next steps.
Why does it matter when a boss takes a personal interest in his employees? Just ask the people at a Qwest call center who once faced an uncertain future and, inspired by a great manager, turned it into the biggest and best site in the company.
For "Generation X" employees, the workplace used to offer seemingly limitless opportunity. Then the 1990s bubble burst, and these young workers started confronting harsh reality. But all isn't lost for these twenty- and thirty-somethings: Gallup's latest U.S. Employee Engagement Index survey offers insights into how companies can re-energize the young and the restive.
A deeply felt sense of purpose in life leads to excellence. Human beings want to belong to something of significance and meaning. They want to know they are making a difference, contributing to an important endeavor. The best workplaces give their employees a sense of purpose, help them feel they belong, and enable them to make a difference.