Explore Gallup's research.

Biden's job approval rating is 40%, while ratings of his handling of the economy, foreign affairs and the Middle East situation are below his overall approval.

Americans' views of national conditions remain sour, with 18% satisfied with the way things are going and the Economic Confidence Index holding at -43.

Thirty-four percent of Americans, down 10 points from a year ago, describe the energy situation in the U.S. as "very serious."

Of 15 key issues, Americans worry most about inflation and the economy, with concerns about drug use and Social Security increasing in the past year.

Americans remain evenly divided on nuclear energy, as they were in 2019, but this follows a period from 2004 to 2015 when majorities backed it. Support throughout has varied sharply by party.

Sharply more Americans than a year ago worry a great deal about the availability and affordability of energy and describe the U.S. energy situation as very serious.

Americans' satisfaction with a variety of aspects of U.S. life and public policy areas remains depressed from 2020, with many declining further since 2021.

Increased proportions of Americans worry about the availability and affordability of energy, believe the energy situation in the U.S. is serious, and think there will be a critical energy shortage in the U.S.

The extreme cold and massive power outages in Texas may lead to shifts in U.S. public opinion on several key issues.

Be among the first to read Gallup's new series on Americans' views of global warming, environmental issues and energy policies.

Of 25 U.S. business and industry sectors, the movie and oil and gas industries generate the most politically polarized reviews.

President Donald Trump's recent executive order about the environment comes at a time when Americans have become more worried about the environment and less worried about energy.