Emotions and Mood
Explore Gallup's research.

Daily loneliness among U.S. adults has edged up to 20%, its highest level in two years, but remains down from the pandemic high of 25% measured as recently as March 2021.

Adults in the U.S. who have a body mass index (BMI) indicating obesity more often experience negative emotions and perceive more bias against them than those who are not considered obese.

Environmental crises caused by extreme weather or pollution are linked to greater negative emotions and depressive symptoms, as well as less overall life satisfaction among Americans.

Last year, negative emotions fell for the first time since 2014, with experiences of stress, sadness, anger, worry and physical pain each taking a downturn.

A record-high 57% of Americans say they would feel better if they could get more sleep; Americans average a historically low 6.5 hours per night. Stress levels have been rising, especially among young women.

In the majority of countries worldwide, women's wellbeing suffers when they aren't working at their desired capacity.

In addition to not being engaged at work, a new Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation-优蜜传媒study shows Japanese workers also are less likely than average to enjoy what they do at work.

U.S. adults who routinely say hello to their neighbors have higher wellbeing than those who greet fewer or no neighbors.

Gallup's latest annual update on how the world feels shows its emotional state stopped getting worse in 2022, but it may be too soon for leaders, organizations and businesses to relax.
Gallup's Emotional Wellbeing Indicator reveals the world's daily experiences, both good and bad.

2020 was the most stressful year in recent history. A record-high 40% of adults worldwide said they experienced stress during a lot of the previous day.

Get data and insights on people's negative and positive daily experiences that can help leaders understand how to increase emotional health in society.

The World Happiness Report describes happiness across countries as an indicator of societal progress, explores the factors of happiness, and goes beyond traditional measures by providing in-depth analysis into wellbeing and its drivers across the globe.

Before the pandemic, the world was already in a more negative emotional state than it had been in years, with scores on Gallup's Negative Experience Index edging slightly higher to 31 in 2019. But no other country in the world was on a more emotional roller coaster than Lebanon.

The 2020 Global Emotions Report shows how people in more than 140 countries and areas are living their lives. This report attempts to quantify whether people are enjoying life and learning new and interesting things and how many of them are angry and worried.

The emotional needs of customers only intensify in a disruption. Lift their burdens of stress and worry by meeting these four needs.