editors' picks for the top articles from 2016 on winning customers:
Business-to-business companies need a sales strategy that is advisory, is tailored to each customer and provides valuable insights through analytics.

Corporate Boards: Failing at Growth
Companies aren't growing. CEOs talk a big customer game and then go back to their offices, acquire their competitors and lower prices -- and boards of directors encourage this.
Customer Excellence: A Goal for Universities
The Ritz-Carlton is a model for colleges and universities -- but not in the way you think.
Malaysian Banks Have a Millennials Problem
Malaysian banks are doomed to stagnant growth if they fail to appeal to millennial consumers.
Data Security: Not a Big Concern for Millennials
Millennials are the most trusting generation when it comes to the security and privacy of their personal data.
Banks Are Getting Their Channel Strategies Wrong
Aggressive channel expansion does not enhance engagement. Satisfying customers in every channel interaction does.